Linux has made it!

Well… For me any-ways…. Lucid Lynx has cracked it for me.

This has been the shortest blogging come back in history…. One half baked post as a guide to IDJC and that was it….

So I was musing today on why this was such a half baked return to Linux blogging… I think its not because I have nothing to say. Its because now days I don’t fiddle with Linux. more or less everything I do I do through a GUI. I still use PC’s constantly, I set up an Ubuntu network at work for the lads 2 years ago on Hardys release. The only time I have had to do anything to them was when I upgraded to Lucid recently. I am never called to the office because ‘something doesn’t work’ like I was every 10 minutes when they were set up by some fancy arse company that gave us Windows 2000 PC’s.

At home I use Linux daily for a few hours, DJing, Second Life, a bit of gaming, and lots of web stuff. But I don’t actually do anything to the PC’s… Everything I install takes 2 secounds and now terminal use now. Part of me is thank full. I have no viruses, no niggling problems, no firewall pop ups crying about something mundane. I don’t have to dive into terminal regularly any more. In fact Never… I haven’t used terminal in months except when checking commands for the guide below this. I installed Ubuntu Studio 64 bit so had Jack already ready to go and I installed everything I wanted in the Ubuntu Software Centre.

I have recently tried Mac and Windows 7. Mac I have never been able to get into… It looks fantastic, is meant to rarely break but I just cannot get into it… Windows 7 just felt same old… I also didn’t want to go back to virus checking and feeling paranoid about what im looking at on the web etc (I feel quite safe with Ubuntu).

So yeah for me Linux has made it. Wewt’s Tux!

As for this blog… What do I do with it? It gets hundreds of hits a day but I cant really put up guides for ‘How to do this with a GUI’. hat would be to hand holding. I also don’t want to go back to fiddling with my PC regularly. I will confess I used to break things regularly. Last breakage I had was back in…. Jauntys day?

Blah I will think of something… Might start blogging about cycling or motorcycling or something too. I dunnos… Well see 🙂

Reopening….. Sorta…

Been a year or so scince i posted regularly. I sorta fizzled out of things to say. I have a couple of requests at the moment which i should get around to writing guides for. I also have a real nagging itch to go distro hopping or something at the moment .Though this time im truly of the opinion all distros are more or less the same. Just with slight tweaks visually. I also have more time in Second Life and have started exploring this awesome world again (believe it or not theres more to SL than sex!). So i dunno… Got a few guides and stuff to write… Couple of projects i should start….

I still don’t use Windows. After hearing a few virus / malware problems recently, im not interested in going to the Windows side either. Yes im aware theres malware for Linux but i never encounter it and rarely install stuff once im set up so im happy and relatively safe.

On a last note, i think perhaps when i first discovered Linux, it was an old either mandrake or mandiva. It got a dead laptop going when XP died and snuffed it. I was sorta attracted to Linux cause it was different, a bit of an adventure, and i got to be anti MS. 3-4 years ago i made the full switch and havent looked back. Looked for adventure and waved an anti MS banner for a short while too (it was a short while too, when i saw what half the anti MS lot were like i was like ‘OMG i cant be like that >.<').

Nowdays i use Linux simply because it does what i need it to and i feel safe with it. I play Second Life, browse the web, store music and videos, and web DJ. Thats about it really. SO yeah.. Linux looks pretty and modern, does what i want, and its safe. Quite a large change in motives for using it really 🙂

Following this will be my first proper post in nearly a year. Wow its been that long…. Blogs been open a couple of years then i guess…. 2008 time? I gotta post a guide to setting up IDJC and and i want to pimp my new PC at some point….

Hmm pictures… Photobucket doest support Linux anymore and kinda tired of Flickr… Should find a new picture host 🙂

So errr yeah… Sorta reopening the blog…

Lost my blog

I don’t seem to know what happened there, i seem to have totally fizzled out on the blog. I’m pretty busy at the moment but even when I am not i don’t frequent my own blog to to post. I guess i seem to have run out of things to say a bit.

Ahh well, a quick theme change and ill leave the blog for a bit. It will still be here when im gone so i can give it some time, store up some ideas, and come back to it when I am ready. 🙂

Ubuntu Full Circle Free Magazinel

I was reminded of this cracking free download magazine yesterday. its a downloadable free magazine about Ubuntu of course.

I went looking for all my old issues last night and in true distro hopper style realised they had been swallowed by the hard drive monster yonks ago. I grabbed the most recent issue and after a quick read found it to still be a really good quality magazine.

Now why cant they sell it in newsagents eh? ^^

Have a nosey and download a copy yourself, its free so whats stopping you? ^^

Ubuntu user magazine

I spotted a new magazine in WHSmiths today. Its was called Ubuntu-User and was made by the same people that make Linux-Magazine.

I snarffled a copy of it of course. Now, much though im happy Ubuntu has gotten big enough to make people feel its worth its own magazine, and much though the articles were ok, i wont be buying the secound issue unless it bulks out a bit.

I found myself wondering about the steep price of £8 for such a thin magazine with such little content. Even the disk is a free download and is on the front of every other Linux magazine about.

Anywhos, if your interested you can find their website at ;

Happy reading! relaunched, and looking rather spiffing at the moment ^^

Ive been having a nosey around the new and improved recently and ive got say the new website is awesome! I absolutely love it!

It has a mix of blogs, news, guides, documentation, distro news all sorts. Very good, i have bookmarked the site and registered already of course.

I got into the site more though when i read the tour guide (yes there’s a tour of the website).

Go have a nosey, its a really good website now, theres a lot to see. 🙂

Complete Penumbra Set for $20

Artificial-Intelligence just posted up on Ubuntu Magazine that the whole Penumbra set of games are available for $20. Just passing the news on, go have a look 🙂 They are truly awesome games!

Linux games sale

Tux Games are having a sale on their LGP games. Worth a nosey if your a gamer 🙂

13 May 2009
Following the sale over at LGP, we are reducing our prices on most LGP titles. The sale will last for the next 6 weeks, with discounts of up to 64%!

A new Ubuntu gaming website

For me the best Ubuntu gaming site always has been Ubuntu Gamers Arena. For the time being it will remain so. ^^ However, i noticed today theres a new site just popped up with a few reviews on. It appears to only have a few games reviews on and a small forum on so far. Maybe worth a bookmark and check back a later date though aye. ^^

The new XFCE distro release’s

There has been two new XFCE distros released this month that i love! I ad to download the pair of them the secound they hit the mirrors ^^

Zenwalk 6.0 and Mint XFCE CE 6 Felicia (that one has a long name ^^ ). So what are they about, and why try them?

Zenwalk is also one of the cleanest, nicest feeling XFCE distros out there. It uses XFCE 4.6 (yayness!). Its based on Slackware, not Ubuntu. Do not let that deter you though if your an Ubuntu boy or girl, Zenwalks absolutely fantastic and well worth the download! It’s hard to put your finger on it, but Zenwalk realy does just feel right with XFCE. I think thats why i liked it so much. ^^

Mint XFCE 6 is an Ubuntu based distro that is much prettier and has a large number of codec’s pre installed. The sexyness is one of the defining features of Mint. It uses a clean theme and doesn’t look as ‘gnomey’ as Xubuntu (a good thing IMHO, I have always hated that about Xubuntu). Mint XFCE 6 is based of Xubuntu 8.10 intrepid Ibex so It uses intrepid’s repos.

Zenwalks additions to 6.0 are :

– Kernel with gspca (supports many USB webcams)
– The new XFCE 4.6
– Openoffice 3.0.1 replaces Gnome Office as the main productivity suite
– Wicd becomes the main network configuration tool
– New Zenpanel with integrated Disk Manager, Wifi and Wired Network Manager
– Gksu keyring based desktop granting system
– Faster boot (tuned init scripts, with realtime I/O scheduler)
– PAM authentication has been added to the system
– Improved suspend/hibernate, with XFCE Power Manager
– new Netpkg with orphan dependencies and “offline operation” support
– The powerful Exaile juke-box stream player has been added
– New artwork
– A simplified installer

The updates to Mint XFCE in 6.0 Felicia are :

-mintInstall 5, the “Software Manager”
-mintUpdate 3, a brand new Update Manager
-mintUpload 2, with FTP support
-mintNanny – Minimal parental control
-mintDesktop – now shows Compiz Fusion status
-Remote Desktop – as easy as in Gnome
-Command line goodies – search, apt content and apt contains
-mint4win – A Windows installer for Linux Mint

New software
-Thunar Shares – for easy folder sharing
-GPRS EasyConnect – for management of mobile connections

Here the links to the respective websites :



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