Getting Media going in Second Life on Ubuntu 64 bit

Getting Media going in Second Life on Ubuntu 64 bit.

This gets streaming audio media and most TVs working. Icarus brand TVs work across the board with this. There could be a more concise number of commands for this, I kinda googled and butcherd several people trying to help and tacked on the flashplugin and quicktime stuff at the bottom. Hope this helps someone.

This works on Ubuntu 11.04 with viewers 2.0 – 2.8.

Also note I had to close SL a few times before this worked, not sure why it doesn’t work first time, but once it is working, it works fine from then on. If I figure out how to get the other TVs working I will update.

Download Get Libs

The following three commands install a shit load of 32 bit stuff on your PC, it worked for me after a restart of the PC, hopefully it will work for you.

sudo getlibs -p gstreamer-tools gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-doc gstreamer0.10-esd gstreamer0.10-gnonlin gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-dbg gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-doc gstreamer0.10-nice gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-dbg gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-doc gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-dbg gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-tools gstreamer0.10-x gstreamer-dbus-media-service gstreamer0.10-buzztard gstreamer0.10-buzztard-doc gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-dbg gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs gstreamer0.10-packagekit gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-dbg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc gstreamer0.10-plugins-cutter gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-dbg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-doc gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx gstreamer0.10-sdl gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse-dbg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse-dbg gstreamer0.10-packagekit libalut0 libapr1 libaprutil1 libopenal1 gstreamer0.10-fluendo-plugins-mp3-partner libquicktime-dev libquicktime-doc libquicktime1 quicktime-utils quicktime-x11utils ubuntu-restricted-extras flashplugin-nonfree

sudo getlibs -l

sudo getlibs -w

IDJC Shoutcast setup guide

IDJC – Internet DJ Console….. It uses Jack…. This thing had me stumped for the longest time…. I just couldn’t seem to get it to work… I do however now use it all the time. So a simple guide to those who needs to use it. Written for Ubuntu of course.

First of all we need Jack. Open a terminal and enter :

sudo apt-get install jackd qjackctl

Open Limits.conf

sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf

Add the following lines into the file :

@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock unlimited
@audio - nice -19

Save and close.

Now open System > Administration > Users and Groups

Click the keys where it says click to make changes, put in your password. Click Manage groups. You should find one called audio, if not, add group and call it audio. Add yourself to it.

Log out and in again.

Run Jack, you should find it in Sound and Video.

Click Setup. Below is a couple of pictures of my set up screens. Mimic them, if it doesnt work, you can tweak them.

Screenshot-Setup - JACK Audio Connection Kit

Ok few things in this window.

Realtime – Some people find its better to have it turned off, some people cant get it to work at all with this ticked.

Frames/Peroid – I have this down to 256. My partner has it at 1024. My friend has it a 2048. Youll have to play with this a bit.

Interface – This is where it takes the sound from. If you have a funny sound set up, multiple sound cards, usb sound devices, you may need to tweak this.

Screenshot-Setup - JACK Audio Connection Kit-1

Should work for everyone.


Should work for everyone.


Personal preferences. But this is my set up.

Ok, we have Jack set up, Wewt wewt! Now for IDJC. Open a terminal and give it a :

sudo apt-get install idjc

If you want Shoutcast aswell Icecast give one of these aswell :

sudo apt-get install libmp3lame0 libmp3lame0-dev

If you dont install these Shoutcast will be greyed out in the options. Now open Internet > IDJC

Click Server, drag the boxes bottom corner and expand it out, i mean right out! Theres a lot of options and stuff here but every time i set this up it opens as a tiny little window.

This is how i have mine set up. Password poofed of course.


Once its all filled in hit Server Connect. Should start streaming straight away. Simply drag songs out of nautilus into playlist 1 and hit play. You can make a playlist in Rythmbox, highlight the whole playlist and drag it into playlist 1. Means you can pre make them, save them, use them later etc. Press the big mic button in the bottom right corner to talk. I pause the music as the song ends and do my talking but i guess thats DJ dependant.

Anywhos, thous a IDJC shoutcast guide.

E17 in Ubuntu

Wooo! E17 now have a repo for Ubuntu Jaunty. For some reason, neither the Easy_17 script worked for me, neither did the OzOs repo.

But this, this worked first time!

Go to System –> Software Sources and add the following repo under the Third Party Software tab.

deb jaunty main extras

Now click this clink and download the key :

Open up terminal where ever you downloaded the key and the key :

sudo apt-key add repo.key

Follow up with a :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install e17

And you away!

Playing with GIMP (still)

I have played with the vintage photo look quite a bit this week. My next piccy intrest though is cartooning piccys. I managed to take / make the following picture of Marie Zefferelli at the Blue Moon Bordello in Second Life.

Done by the following basic steps.

Colour –> Desturate

This makes the picture black and white, to me it looks more cartoonish when finished.

Filter –> Lights –> Add light of choice

Changes depending on what your screenies off and its surroundings. It adds a dash of colour to the pic though, makes it look a bit Sin City’ish.

Filter –> Artistic –> Cartoon

I set both sliders to max to get the maximum coverage of black and basic cartoon look. Adjust according to your needs, undo is your freind. 🙂

I also added fog to the picture (another filter) to give it some more… I dunno… Arty feels…. ^^ Afraid i dont have an artistic bone in my body so my stuff realy does look like asic chaff.

Thats more or less it. You may need to hand fill in some black and white as it can often come out to much one way or the other.

Playing with Gimp 2 – Vintage photos from Second Life

Leelou *The Elegance* Morigi

Ive been playing with gimp trying to make old photos this last few days and have been having some fun success. All pictures were taken in Second Life so of course start out full colour 3D like.

I would take the photo, Cut the bit that i wanted out and put it on a new canvas. Because most of the cuts were not exact sizes, i would start with a large canvas, paste in to the middle of it, then go Image –> Autocrop Image.

Once i had a nice neat piccy i would add a lens flare via Filters –> Light and Shadow –> Lens Flare. A bit of good placement of a flare makes a nice difference to the end result.

I then simply use 2 other filters, all options on both. Filters –> Artistic –> Apply Canvas, followed by Filters –> Decor –> Old Photo.

The end result is what you see above and below. The last picture being an original of the top picture of course. ^^

Flicker *The Rabbit* Amiot

Abriel *The Twisted* Ashbourne 2

Paola *The Wolf Lover* Paulino

Mags *the Lady* Indigo

Original naff of Mages *the lady* Indigo

Savage 2 : Ubuntu Linux Installation Guide

A brief Savage 2 installation guide for 32 bit and 64 bit Ubuntu Linux.

When i download files from the internet they land on my desktop. So the secound line should be changed if you download files to elsewhere. Also, the version of Savage 2 at the time of writing this is Savage2Install-1.5.0. If the version you download is different you will have to change the path to the savage .bin file.

32 Bit

Enter the following lines into terminal.

mkdir ~/.Games
cd ~/Desktop
chmod +x Savage2Install-1.5.0-x86_32.bin

You will now get a graphical installer. It will ask you for a destination to install, if you just click next it will install and be visible in your home file so just change the destination path to /home/USERNAME/.Games/Savage2. That way it will install into your hidden ./games file.

64 bit

Enter the following lines into terminal.

mkdir ~/.Games
cd ~/Desktop
chmod +x Savage2Install-1.5.0-x86_64.bin

You will now get a graphical installer. It will ask you for a destination to install, if you just click next it will install and be visible in your home file so just change the destination path to /home/USERNAME/.Games/Savage2. That way it will install into your hidden ./games file.

Savage 2 should now appear in your games menu. Now go kick some smelly humans about! GO BEAST! ^^




Dofus Linux Instalation

A quick guide for one of my fave Linux MMORPG’s. This guide is intended for Ubuntu and its derivatives.

If you find this post looking for a problem about security settings and flash, its near the bottom ^^

Ok, first of all, we need to install Flash. Open up terminal and enter :

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Now follow this link – Click Here

Click the bit under the orange box that says If you do not use Windows, please click here. Now download the Linux client.

Unzip it into whatever folder you like. The file named Dofus.html is the starting icon. But first of all, we need to tell Flash its an OK app to use.

Click Here.

Now, click Edit Locations -> Add Location. Then add the whole Dofus folder (not just dofus.html but the entire Dofus folder). Then select always allow. Now you should be good to go. Start the game game with Dofus.html and take in the beauty of this pretty game all in flash ^^


XFCE 4.6 PPA Repo for Ubuntu’s ^^

Fist of all big thanks to Jeromeg and Linky!.

Its a repo for Ubuntu and its repos for XFCE 4.6. Yays!

Here are the lines you should add to your sources.list. For Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10):

deb intrepid main

For Ubuntu Hardy (8.04):

deb hardy main

You can also add the OpenPGP key of the PPA by following those instructions.

Huge happy puppy slobers to Jeromeg! Make sure you say thanks on his blog for giving us this repo ^^

Once again Linky!

Installing XFCE4 4.6 on Xubuntu

(updated, new repo for XFCE 4.6, see here)

Ok, ive noticed theres a lot of google searches for my page popping up looking for install guides on how to install the new XFCE Desktop. So here is a quick guide. I ran this on Xubuntu Intrepid 8.10 without a hitch.

Right click this link and save it:

Ok, next we need to install a few things. Open terminal and enter the following :

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libice-dev libsm-dev libxpm-dev

Now navigate to the XFCE file you downloaded in terminal. I saved mine to my desktop, if you did too, just copy paste the following command.

cd Desktop

Now we change it into an executable file and run it. Copy paste these into your terminal.

chmod +x

You will then be presented with a nice GUI to lead you the rest of the way.

I installed this on a vary sparse Xubuntu on a testing partition. I had a minor problem with a mix of 4.4 and 4.6 but nothing major. However, i have seen people running this and running into worse problems with 4.4 and 4.6 mixing. If your unsure and dont knot know what your doing, wait for it to come up in the repos. Jauntys not far away now and it will be in Jaunty.

Hope this helps someone

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